Ernie Coombs, affectionately known as Mr. Dressup, was a beloved Canadian children’s television host whose show aired on CBC from 1967 to 1996. Mr. Dressup became a cherished figure in Canadian culture, enchanting young audiences with his engaging storytelling, puppetry, and imaginative play.

One of the show’s most iconic features was the wise old owl painting that hung on the wall, which spoke to Mr. Dressup and offered him advice. This whimsical element added a unique charm to the program, encouraging creativity and wisdom among its viewers.

Mr. Dressup’s legacy endures fondly in the hearts of a generation of children who grew up watching him. Many of these former young viewers, now adults, often reminisce about the warmth and joy his show brought into their lives, reflecting on the valuable lessons learned and the joyous imagination sparked during their formative years. His impact on children's television in Canada remains significant, making him a beloved and memorable figure.